Check out the snaps from Friday's practice, where the Broncos' edge rushers were firing off the snap.

Each week of the season DenverBroncos.com will highlight the off-field contributions of a Denver Bronco. This week we talked to quarterback Brock Osweiler, who makes regular visits to Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. *
Why is it so important for you as an NFL player to give back to the community?
"I think it's extremely important because playing in the NFL you're given a platform for kids to look at and people to look at, that not a lot of other people are in a situation like that. To be in a situation where you've received so much, given so much, and you're put in a place where you can give back—I think it's extremely important."
What has been your favorite Broncos community event to participate in?
"My rookie year we did a Habitat for Humanity build-a-home type deal. There was a large group of players that went out and then some other people involved in the organization and we had a lot of fun that day."
When you entered the NFL, who was an NFL player who you looked up to for his leadership in the community?
"Well, you know I was very fortunate. When I got drafted, Peyton Manning was here. I've used him not only for things on the field as far as advice and to learn from, but also things off the field. Peyton's been a tremendous role model and I continue to learn from him today."
Why did you start your visits Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children?
"I guess now I'm in my third year with the Broncos, I'm comfortable with football, I'm comfortable with the city and I really felt it was time to step up my community service, if you will. It's not like I didn't do things my rookie year or my second year, but I really felt that I could do more. So I looked at what areas that could be, and I've always had a great passion for giving back to kids that are in a hard situation or going through a lot. What better way than to visit kids in the hospital?"
What have those visits been like for you?
"They've been tremendous, they really have. I think it has done a lot for the kids, but it's also been very rewarding for myself. It's something that I'll definitely continue to do in the future—I hope to build upon it and make it even bigger. But like I said, it's just been extremely rewarding."
Many of the kids you visit are stuck in the hospital for an extended period of time and your visits provide a nice change of pace and bring some smiles to the kids and families, how does it feel to be able to have that kind of impact on someone?
"I think it's huge. I always look back to when I was a kid, and I think if I was able to meet an NFL player or NFL quarterback it would have made my day regardless of my situation. So for a young kid to be in a children's hospital going through such a touch time in their life, if I can distract them from that even for five to 10 minutes, I think that's a big deal. Like I said, I know it means a lot to the kids but it also means a lot to me."
So much of what you players do is behind closed doors and shared just by your teammates and coaches, but your fiancé volunteers her time to make the hospital visits with you, what is it like to share those with her?
"It's been really cool. Obviously she's seen me do so many things over the years and she's helped behind-the-scenes with things. You know, she's kind of similar to me in just getting more and more involved as time goes on. So for her to be able to join me on those hospital visits and be part of it is something that we can share together. She's very motivated to make the visits a much bigger deal and same with myself. This year was just a starting point and we can make them better as we go along."