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'A dedicated space that they can call their own': Broncos, Empower and Mile High United Way unveil new 'The Huddle' space for Bridging the Gap program


DENVER — For Mile High United Way President & CEO Christine Benero, there's a question that she and her staff repeat as a way of thinking.

"When is a building more than a building?"

The nonprofit's headquarters in downtown Denver is the embodiment of that for many people — a place where people can unite to receive resources they need. And as they continued to ask themselves that question, they realized that they could expand their answer with a new renovation inside their offices.

The aim was simple: Create an area where young people in United Way's Bridging the Gap program can go to get the resources they need to prepare themselves for an independent life. They designed it themselves, and Mile High United Way partnered with the Denver Broncos Foundation and Empower to make it a reality.

So, where there once was a human resources hub, there is now an area dubbed "The Huddle."

"We are so excited to be cutting the ribbon on 'The Huddle' at Mile High United Way, which is a safe space for young people in our Bridging the Gap program who have emancipated out of the child welfare system and are working toward their life goals and journey," Benero said Thursday morning. "Because of Empower and the Denver Broncos and the Denver Broncos Foundation, this is a space where young people can come to meet their dreams. They can meet with coaches, we provide housing, [and] it is their own clubhouse."

Through Bridging the Gap, participants are able to receive housing vouchers, access skill-building opportunities and work with family support coaches. And at "The Huddle," there's now a space for them, complete with a kids' playroom, an office space, a communal area, an entryway with lounge seating and artwork made by participants, their children or donated by the Broncos.

Luisa Hernandez, a former Bridging the Gap participant who was a guest at the ribbon-cutting event, said that the new area will surely make a big impact.

"This space was very much needed because it gives … me and my children a place to come feel safe and really get done what I need to get done, and if I need help, I have all the resources I need," Hernandez said.

The partnership on this project between the Broncos, Empower and Mile High United Way came to fruition as the Denver Broncos Foundation and Empower worked together to try to identify "impactful and tangible ways we could give back to the community," Vice President of Community Impact & Executive Director of the Denver Broncos Foundation Allie Engelken said.

At Mile High United Way's biannual Tocqueville breakfast, Broncos President Damani Leech and Empower's Kelly Noble took part in a fireside chat before helping unveil the new Bridging the Gap program space, which Broncos and Empower staff helped construct.

"The Broncos are committed to making a positive impact in our community," Engelken said. "We play a vital role in making that impact and aligning with like-minded partners like Empower. Together with Empower, we aligned our philanthropic initiatives to bring this space to life, allowing program participants to have a dedicated programmatic services center that they can call their own. As they're transitioning out of the child welfare system, they're transitioning into adulthood. They're receiving housing vouchers, mental-health services, educational support, childcare and so much more, and this is a dedicated place where they can do that."

As the idea turned into reality, the Broncos and Empower got assistance from their staff members. A week before the unveiling, employees from both companies volunteered to help assemble furniture and decorate the space.

"Empower has always found it important to really be involved in the communities where we live, where we work and where we play, whether that's football or whatever it may be," Empower general counsel and chief legal officer Kelly Noble said. "… We really value the opportunity to participate in those community engagement areas like we have done with the Denver Broncos. … Our partnership with the Broncos has included a charitable aspect from the beginning, and that's true, not just with the Denver Broncos, but with other partnerships. And so that's the key part for us. Our associates just love to be able to be a part of that place that they call home, and we have a ton of people who get involved in volunteering their time … and this gives them an amped-up way to do that."

For Broncos President Damani Leech, the collaboration is also a showing of one of the Denver Broncos Foundation's main principles.

"One of the things we've done over the last few years of the Foundation is get really focused on what we're about, which is youth in the state of Colorado and health and wellness, but also access to career pathways," Leech said. "This aligns with that, which is really, really important."


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