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Denver Broncos | News

Children's Hospital Colorado Junior Reporter: Madison interviews S Brandon Jones


The following story was written by Madison, a recent Children's Hospital Colorado Junior Reporter.

On October 3, 2024, I was able to have a tour of the Broncos' training facility and get a personal interview with Brandon Jones, Denver Broncos player No. 22. From the very beginning, this was an unforgettable experience. I walked into the facility and immediately entered the trophy room. All around me I saw shining trophies, awards and pictures. Wow! You should have seen those Super Bowl rings! They were gorgeous! Then I had to sign in and get my name tag. I was given an official press name tag!

Wow! You wouldn't believe how friendly everyone that I met was! It was great! I even was able to go on my own private tour of the practice facility. I walked around and saw so many different rooms each with their own purpose! Some of the places I toured were the press room, the defense breakout room and even the locker room (which wasn't nearly as messy as I expected! Good job Broncos!).

To me, the most impressive room was the press conference room. It was decked out with all of these really cushy chairs, each of them were facing the microphone down in front. I was able to stand at the press podium and pose for a picture! For some reason walking down to that podium really just stuck with me. It was AWESOME! Then we continued to walk around looking at all of the pictures on the walls of current players and players from the past! So cool! I also was able to see the cafeteria. It was great to see where the players get to relax and hang out!

After that I walked over to the field as the team was finishing up with practice. It was so cool to watch the football team as they finished up, even if it was just for a few minutes. My tour wrapped up with a look at the awesome training facility! The gym was amazing! What a great place to train. As wonderful as the tour was, it couldn't compare to what happened next! I was finally escorted out onto the practice field where Brandon Jones met me for a one-on-one interview. Brandon is a wonderful person. He was so kind to me during our interview. I enjoyed listening to his responses to my questions. I was a little shocked by a couple, and very impressed with what an amazing person Brandon really is. I am so happy to be able to share the interview here.

Brandon: I was with the Miami Dolphins for four years and this is my fifth year now and I'm here with the Broncos.

Me: Has professional football always been your dream? Or did you have like a different dream at one time?

Brandon: It's definitely always been my dream. I grew up playing soccer too, I really loved soccer. But it got to the point when in middle school I had to choose. So I chose football.

Me: When you were an older student in school working toward your football career, did you have backup career plans?

Brandon: Sadly, I had no realistic backup plans. Football was my plan A, B, C and D. But strangely, I really liked space. I don't think I was smart enough to be an astronaut, so that wasn't like a realistic dream, but in another life, maybe, I might have chosen astronaut. Maybe it's not too late.

Me: Was becoming a professional football player easy for you, or did you face obstacles along the way?

Brandon: I have definitely faced obstacles. Injuries are some of them. I lost my dad at a young age, seventh grade, so I had to help and take care of my brothers. I knew early on that I wanted to play in the NFL, so I tried to do the best that I could.

Me: What advice would you give to kids who are wanting to pursue professional football?

Brandon: Always know that your dream is achievable. And for me personally, always look for a way to kind of separate yourself. It's easy to do what everyone else is doing, but find a way to separate yourself from everyone else. Also have a backup plan. Even if you do play professionally for a long time, by the time you do retire you will still be very young.

Me: Did you ever have any injuries that you thought you may not recover from or would keep you from playing again?

Brandon: No, nothing like that. I have had shoulder surgery, knee surgery, surgery on both ankles and basically at one point have injured every part of my body.

Me: Who has been the most inspirational person in your life?

Brandon: My mom, especially when my dad passed. I had four other brothers, so five of us total. She was like superwoman.

Me: Is football the only sport you play?

Brandon: Football is the only sport that I play now. I keep telling myself that once I retire from football, I'm going to try to make a professional soccer team… or at least go to a tryout so that I can put away my dream of becoming a professional soccer player.

Me: I love to dance. I have seen a few movies that show football players training for their sport through dance. Have you ever used dance to train in football like in the movies?

Brandon: Me personally, I can't dance. I probably should have done that. I do know a lot of players who have done ballet. I should probably learn to dance, not even for football, just because I want to become a better dancer.

Me: I like to read, do you enjoy reading?

Brandon: I need to do a better job. The only thing I read these days is the play book, and stuff about the other team. But I've been telling myself I need to pick up reading for enjoyment.

Me: What are some things that you do outside of football?

Brandon: Outdoor activities. I have a dog. I like to take her to lakes to play in the water. Outside of football I'm pretty much a homebody at home with my wife and dog watching Netflix.

Me: Is it hard to balance your personal life and your career?

Brandon: At times. To be honest, it was harder during college. I had to balance football and classes and studying. But in the league it has been a bit easier. But I try my best to balance my life especially for my wife because she makes so many sacrifices for me. So I do my best.

Me: Playing professional football sometimes you face defeat. What would you say about facing defeat and failure? Does it help in other areas of your life?

Brandon: All failure is growth and anytime you fail you can treat it as a learning experience. When you win it's easy to forget and push the mistakes under the rug because it's covered up by a win. When you face defeat and failure, those are the best learning moments in life.

These were some very inspirational and insightful answers from Brandon. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to meet with him and get his perspective on many of these questions. I know that he had just finished with practice when he met with me, but he graciously answered my questions and was so very inspiring! Thank you, Brandon! After the interview, we took a few pictures together, and then it was time for me to head home. What an amazing and unforgettable experience! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

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