Six pounds, 15 ounces.
Twenty-and-a-half inches tall.
It was awesome to see her. Charlie Jo Derby.
I felt out of my element. She is my first child.

It took a lot longer than I expected it to. The wife and I had our bets on when we'd have her, and I was way off. I had no idea. I didn't know how long that took. I thought it would be midday two days ago, and it ended up being Thursday morning.
6:04 a.m. Thursday morning.
It was a great moment. I'm proud of my wife for delivering her and I'm just really happy that we're all healthy. We're just blessed to have a healthy child, a healthy girl.
I've heard from people on the team, especially the fathers of girls. They all say I'm going to be wrapped around her finger, and the second she arrived I knew that was definitely true. It's really fun.
I'm excited just watching her grow and learning and figuring out what personality she's going to have. We're just excited for every step of the way, and it's exciting to be a dad.
Unfortunately, it's going to be tough leaving this week, but at the end of the day, I've got a job to do and I have to lean on my wife to take care of the kid during the season. We knew that going in and she's a champ for that.
There's a little extra edge, playing for another person in my family, but there's always a little extra edge. We knew we were pregnant, but actually seeing our little girl makes a big difference. There's always a little extra edge you can play for. I want to make our little girl proud.