Hometown: Santa Maria, California
College: California State University, Long Beach
Occupation: Poms coach
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Movie/TV Show: "Remember the Titans"/"Prison Break"
Song to dance to: "Despacito"
Junk food: Oreo cookies
Dream car: Tesla
Color: Turquoise
Superhero: Captain America
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Animal: Elephant
Quote: "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."
Get to know Krista:
Meet Krista, a rookie member of the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders.

What does being a DBC mean to you?** Being a DBC means the world to me. It means that I have a achieved one of my biggest dreams and everything I have worked for has payed off.
Who is your hero? Both of my parents are my heroes. I'm so incredibly grateful for all the support they've given me. I hope to one day be as great of a parent as they were to my brothers and I.
Tell us about the first concert you've ever been to? My first concert was a little Big Town and Martina McBride. I remember dancing on my chair to "This One's for the Girls."
If there were a movie made about your life, which celebrity would you want to play you? Who would play your parents? I would love Reese Witherspoon to play me because she often portrays strong, driven and spunky women in her movies. My mom would be played by Sandra Bullock because like Sandra's character in The Blind Side, my mom will do anything for her family. My dad would be played by Tim Allen because he is the ultimate "tool man" and can fix anything.
What is your dream vacation destination? I've always wanted to travel to Ireland.
Any hidden talents or tricks you can do? I can spin poi which I learned for a role when I was a parade performer.
In 10 years I see myself… Having both a family and my own business.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I always wanted to be a professional dancer. At one point I wanted to be a Rockette but I had to let that dream go when I didn't grow taller than five-foot-three.
What advice would you give your younger self? I would tell myself to not stress about the small stuff. If it's not going to matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes worrying about it. Everything will work out the way that it's supposed to!
When did you get involved in organized cheer and dance? I started dancing at a dance studio when I was about 5 and started cheerleading in middle school.
When did you realize you wanted to do it professionally? The first time I was watching a sporting event on TV, and I saw the dancers I knew I wanted to do the same thing one day.
What is it about the Broncos that made you want to tryout for this team? I remember when I was getting ready to audition for the team, I saw a farewell post to former head coach Gary Kubiak. The caption read: "Classy. Sincere. Honest. A Bronco. A champion." I thought to myself if that is what it means to be a Bronco then I knew I wanted to be a part of an organization with such great values.
Tell me about the audition process. I really enjoyed the audition process. Even though it was a stressful week, getting to know all the women that were going through the same process was a lot of fun.
Tell me about your calendar shoot experience in Mexico. Our Mexico trip was amazing! I was able to get to know my teammates better and everyone was super positive when it came to the actual photo shoots.
What did it feel like when you found out you made the team? It didn't feel real when I heard my name called. It still doesn't feel real!
What has been you favorite part of being a DBC so far? I've loved the experiences I've had in the Colorado communities so far. Meeting all the incredible fans and getting to know them has been one of my favorite things.
What do you do outside of being a DBC? Now that I live in Colorado I've been trying to enjoy the beautiful outdoors every chance I get.
Did you play any sports (other than dance) growing up? I was always trying to keep up with my older brothers so I played soccer, basketball, and ran track.
Tell me something that people don't know about you. When I was younger I was always told I looked like the Olsen twins!