Bradley Chubb and the Chubb Foundation surprised seventh-grader Esaias Cooper at the College Football Hall of Fame with two tickets to Super Bowl LIII after Esaias won an essay contest held between those who attended the Chubb Foundation Football Camp last summer.
Esaias' winning essay can be read below:
The Chubb Foundation Football Camp will be one of my most memorable days. Chubb helped me as a future football player and a scholar of excellence. For as long as I can remember football has been a sport that I've always dreamed of playing. Hearing that you can still be successful regardless of what life throws at you from NFL player was cool. Chubb Foundation helped me to understand why supporting others is important. Not everyone gets the opportunity that I received. I practice football with my older brother Mark a lot and because of the Chubb Foundation I appreciate him more. Young men need male role models in their lives to help build strength. My first organized football experience was with the Chubb Foundation Football Camp and it was an amazing experience.
During the Chubb Foundation Football Camp I learned that being supportive can help others and you can make new friends. Chubb helped me as a player by teaching me how to do drills, show sportsmanship, and how to work together. I was taught how to do the stretches the correct way because you can get injured if they're not done right. Having the chance to practice my skills with NFL players was great. We were able to win things like a new pair of gloves and tickets to the college hall of fame. The fun doesn't end there, we had Chick-Fil-A after the day of camp.
The Chubb Foundation came at a time when my family were going through a bad time. When school started I seemed to be ok but then my grades dropped and my behavior changed a little. I was an honor roll student with good citizenship but things changed. I lost focus because of what I was going through. I didn't tell my mom because I didn't want to let her down. She works so hard to take care of our family. I thought about what the Chubb brothers said during camp. I began to really understand how important school is with playing football. My math and reading grades had dropped and both you use in this sport. Reading plays and calculating the yards. To make it in life no matter what you want to become you need an education. I started going to tutorial to make up my grades and doing extra assignments to boost my GPA. I began talking to my school counselor and it helped me deal with my emotions and being able to talk with my mother with feeling like I let her down. Speaking up also helped me understand why it is important to speak out when things aren't right.
_As of today I try to be more encouraging to myself and others. Help others when needed and be a friend to everyone. I am a much better person because of the Chubb Foundation Football Camp and those that help me. I am very thankful for the experience and look forward to camp again.